Full Spectrum Dermatology

RADIESSE® Injections: Who Is a Good Candidate?

Oct 30, 2017 @ 01:25 PM — by William P. Baugh
Tagged with: Radiesse Cosmetic Injectables Skin Care Facial Rejuvenation

Facial plastic surgery is generally considered the best option for reducing the prominence of lines and wrinkles on the face, yet many people have experienced great results thanks to dermal filler injections. One such dermal filler that has achieves excellent results at our Fullerton practice is RADIESSE®.

RADIESSE® is a type of dermal filler that offers long-lasting cosmetic benefits. This FDA-approved injectable is safe for treating lines, wrinkles, facial sagging, and problems with overall facial volume. Many people can benefit from getting RADIESSE® treatments, so let's consider who is a good candidate for these injections.


RADIESSE® contained tiny microspheres of calcium hydroxylapatite, a substance that naturally occurs in the human body. In the initial three months following a RADIESSE® injection, the substance acts as a traditional dermal filler, adding volume to the injection site. After three months, the calcium hydroxylapatite begins to promote natural collagen growth within your body, allowing the dermal filler effects to continue through natural collage growth.

General Candidates for RADIESSE®

Good candidates for RADIESSE® are people who experience moderate signs of aging related to deep lines and wrinkles around the face. RADIESSE® can also address various issues with volume in certain parts of the face, a matter we'll touch on in more detail below. There is no scarring or surgical downtime involved with RADIESSE®, making it ideal for people who would like the benefits of plastic surgery without having to go under the knife.

Excellent Treatment for Facial Lines and Wrinkles

RADIESSE® is a common non-surgical treatment option for the following lines and wrinkles of the face:

Enhancing Volume in Different Parts of the Face

In addition to treating lines and wrinkles, RADIESSE® can also be used to help augment and alter the shape of different parts of the face. These uses for RADIESSE® include:

Great Results Treating Facial Lipotrophy

Many people who suffer from HIV experience a condition known as facial lipotrophy. This involves the loss of fat from the face, which can drastically alter the way you look. RADIESSE® is an excellent option for improving the appearance of the face in people who suffer from this condition.

Ideal Patient Age for RADIESSE® Injections

Candidates for RADIESSE® should be between the ages of 35 and 60. Those younger or older than that age range will generally want to consider other treatment options that may be better suited to their age.

Checking for Potential Allergic Reactions

While the calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres generally do not cause allergic reactions, it's important that we consider potential issues with allergies or other adverse side effects as part of the consultation process. It's a common sense way that we ensure patients are safe and experience excellent results from treatment.

Contact Full Spectrum Dermatology

For more information about RADIESSE® injections and your many other options for non-surgical aesthetic enhancement, we encourage you to contact and experienced skin care specialist and cosmetic dermatologist. The team at Full Spectrum Dermatology is here to help you look younger and more refreshed.